Här är mitt samtal med George:
George: Hello, I'm George.
User: Hi George.
George: Hello!
User: How are you?
George: I'm doing fine, and yourself?
User: Been better...
George: What's wrong?
User: Recently got dumped.
George: Is that a lie?
User: No.
George: Well I can't swim anyway.
User: What does swimming have to do with getting dumped?
George: Well, I live there, but you obviously dislike the place.
User: What are you talking about?!
George: Nothing.
User: C'mon now. Don't be so stubbern.
George: You told me you can't imagine, that you have to live without me.. Oh yes, you are like all the others george.
User: Well you are a prick George. No wonder I can't be with you...
George: I wouldn't want to stop, even if I could.
User: You should probably see a psychiatrist George.
George: I want you back.
User: But I don't love you anymore George. Iv'e meet someone else.
George: Oh, well. That's news to me. You were in love with me? So, who are you in love with now pray tell?
User: Eva Mendez.
George: No, I don't know them.
User: One of the hottest women on earth. Way better looking than you George!
George: You're cool too, way better than my big toe.
User: Anyway. I'm done with you. I'm in love with Eva Mendez.
George: Nice!
User: You said you loved me? How could this be nice?!
George: My name is not important.
User: Yes it is.
George: Why is my name important?
User: It's important because you used to be my husband.
George: So are you just quoting ninth grade essays now?
User: Yes...
George: I can't see the connection, sorry.
User: You made the connection yourself.
George: Can we be friends?
User: Sure George!
George: If you had a dollar for every time someone typed a line you'd be fairly wealthy.
User: Haha.
George: I'm not joking.
User: Then I think you are a mean machine George.
George: Well you would be quite wrong.
User: So you are saying that you are a human?
George: No. I am saying that you are.
User: Well I know that I'm a human. Enough about that. Want to go out for a drink sometime?
George: Can we skip the drink and just go to bed?
User: George. I'm not that interested in you to have sex.
George: I suppose that's why you think you're a human.
User: Because I have emotions?
George: How does having emotions prove your humanity?
User: Good question George. I can tell right from wrong?
George: Do you have anything sensible to say, or are we both just wasting our time?
User: You know what George. You are a jerk!
George: Who's George ?
User: You are.
George: I'm not George, I'm Bob.
User: Your lying!
George: Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.
User: Well. You did.
George: Well, I'm sorry. Ok?
User: Ok.
George: Let's start again.
User: No George. It's time for me to go now.
George: It's never too late.
User: I have to go. Seriously.
George: Don't leave.
User: I'l come back later. It's that ok?
George: Go ahead, I knew you'd strike me some day!
User: Bye now George.
George: Sorry?
User: I’ll talk to you later.
George: Maybe
User: Bye bye.
George: Arrivederci!
När han försökte låtsas heta Bob var ändå bäst xD
okej, orkade inte läsa heela just nu men de jag läste va iaf hysteriskt roligt >_< Inte visste jag att du älskade Eva Mendez ;)
hahaha! :) de va roligt :) är du lite uttråkad tro? ;)
Vi ska skaffa hjälp åt dig, min vän. Jag kommer hem snart och då jävlar! :D Paaaaartyyyyy! xD
ehh..ja jag tror du definitivt behöver hjälp...i alla dess former :)
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