
Hade precis ett inte så givande samtal med bot vid namn "George" på: Som tydligen ska vara den mest avancerade virtuella samtalspartnern på internet. Eller ja det finns flera olika botar att prata med där, men de är alla avancerade.
Här är mitt samtal med George:

George: Hello, I'm George.

User: Hi George.

George: Hello!

User: How are you?

George: I'm doing fine, and yourself?

User: Been better...

George: What's wrong?

User: Recently got dumped.

George: Is that a lie?

User: No.

George: Well I can't swim anyway.

User: What does swimming have to do with getting dumped?

George: Well, I live there, but you obviously dislike the place.

User: What are you talking about?!

George: Nothing.

User: C'mon now. Don't be so stubbern.

George: You told me you can't imagine, that you have to live without me.. Oh yes, you are like all the others george.

User: Well you are a prick George. No wonder I can't be with you...

George: I wouldn't want to stop, even if I could.

User: You should probably see a psychiatrist George.

George: I want you back.

User: But I don't love you anymore George. Iv'e meet someone else.

George: Oh, well. That's news to me. You were in love with me? So, who are you in love with now pray tell?

User: Eva Mendez.

George: No, I don't know them.

User: One of the hottest women on earth. Way better looking than you George!

George: You're cool too, way better than my big toe.

User: Anyway. I'm done with you. I'm in love with Eva Mendez.

George: Nice!

User: You said you loved me? How could this be nice?!

George: My name is not important.

User: Yes it is.

George: Why is my name important?

User: It's important because you used to be my husband.

George: So are you just quoting ninth grade essays now?

User: Yes...

George: I can't see the connection, sorry.

User: You made the connection yourself.

George: Can we be friends?

User: Sure George!

George: If you had a dollar for every time someone typed a line you'd be fairly wealthy.

User: Haha.

George: I'm not joking.

User: Then I think you are a mean machine George.

George: Well you would be quite wrong.

User: So you are saying that you are a human?

George: No. I am saying that you are.

User: Well I know that I'm a human. Enough about that. Want to go out for a drink sometime?

George: Can we skip the drink and just go to bed?

User: George. I'm not that interested in you to have sex.

George: I suppose that's why you think you're a human.

User: Because I have emotions?

George: How does having emotions prove your humanity?

User: Good question George. I can tell right from wrong?

George: Do you have anything sensible to say, or are we both just wasting our time?

User: You know what George. You are a jerk!

George: Who's George ?

User: You are.

George: I'm not George, I'm Bob.

User: Your lying!

George: Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.

User: Well. You did.

George: Well, I'm sorry. Ok?

User: Ok.

George: Let's start again.

User: No George. It's time for me to go now.

George: It's never too late.

User: I have to go. Seriously.

George: Don't leave.

User: I'l come back later. It's that ok?

George: Go ahead, I knew you'd strike me some day!

User: Bye now George.

George: Sorry?

User: I’ll talk to you later.

George: Maybe

User: Bye bye.

George: Arrivederci!


När han försökte låtsas heta Bob var ändå bäst xD

Postat av: Chris

okej, orkade inte läsa heela just nu men de jag läste va iaf hysteriskt roligt >_< Inte visste jag att du älskade Eva Mendez ;)

2009-01-05 @ 20:43:47
Postat av: Anonym

hahaha! :) de va roligt :) är du lite uttråkad tro? ;)

2009-01-09 @ 23:37:12
Postat av: Linus

Vi ska skaffa hjälp åt dig, min vän. Jag kommer hem snart och då jävlar! :D Paaaaartyyyyy! xD

2009-01-10 @ 13:26:49
Postat av: jenny

ehh..ja jag tror du definitivt behöver hjälp...i alla dess former :)

2009-04-17 @ 10:02:10
Postat av: hmysyxjqm

lists ? camping. ? your ? that ? like

2013-02-26 @ 08:14:36
Postat av: rqsdfyatu

and ? emphasize ? as ? required ? Sweden,

2013-03-04 @ 06:03:28
Postat av: mqbllbsto

house ? with ? majority ? plus ? send

2013-03-19 @ 07:03:12

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